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The 1984 General Assembly Amended Section §22.1-254 of the Code Of Virginia to provide for home instruction as an alternative to compulsory school attendance and enacted a new section §22.1-254.1 governing the conditions under which home instruction may be conducted.
School Board Policy LBD governs home instruction. To be eligible, a parent/guardian must submit a Notice of Intent to Provide Home Instruction that includes requirements for qualifications and eligibility. The Director of Curriculum and Instruction acts as the Superintendent’s Designee and approves requests for home instruction.
IMPORTANT: The Virginia Council for Private Education (VCPE) is the ONLY organization that has recognition granted through state statute §22.1-19 of the Code of Virginia, under the authority of the Virginia Board of Education, to oversee the accreditation of private schools in Virginia. Families who choose a private provider for their education are advised to verify that the provider is accredited by the VCPE. King William County Public Schools reserves the right to deny grades/credits earned through private education providers that are not accredited by the VCPE.
For more information, please email Mrs. Hutcherson, ahutcherson@kwcps.k12.va.us.
Code of Virginia, Section §22.1-254.1